and here we are…
If you could do anything for a living/ for your work, what would you do? I was asked this question a few years ago, as part of an ice breaker activity. The answer came to me in an instant. I would have conversations about the meaning of life.
And here we are…
If we are mostly soul, what does that mean for this life experience? I’m learning more and more about what living in my soul expression looks like and feels like. It’s a process of unlearning some things that have been my reality and opening up to a new truth. For example, what if the meaning is to live in a way that feels good. Where days are full of love- for other humans, for nature, for my circumstances to learn, for the beauty in the experience- and decisions are made based on what is in alignment to my joy. That shifts things a bit.
That gives me permission to completely rebuild my definition of success. It gives me permission to stop feeling the need to grind at a job that brings me only small spurts of joy. It gives me permission to be more understanding that others around me are here for a reason, to help me to learn something important that I’m here in this life to learn. It removes my need to judge every action that I take or others take. It allows me to find freedom. When I get to define my own happiness, my own path, my own success, my own ways of experiencing and appreciating the beauty of life, this is when I’m living with purpose. And that purpose, for me, is love.
I am still human. While I know that I am mostly soul, I am definitely living the human experience. That means that I have opportunities to learn every day, sometimes every hour. Some of the lessons that I’m currently learning, I have learned already in this lifetime many, many times. Yes. Welcome. Thank you- to the pain, the suffering, and the struggle that may come to me in a new experience, person, or circumstance. I think *maybe* the point is about the awareness of and movement through the moments of pain, suffering, or struggle to move to a new level of freedom and joy. Maybe?
I am learning. And I love it. I love it because of the positive impact it’s made in my own life. And I love it because of the potential my learning has to support other women. This learning has given me a new perspective on what it means to get to know myself. It is a deeper knowing that I’ve discovered. It is a knowing that has always been there, but has been covered up by rules and concepts that were taught to me, but not actually for me. It is an inner connection to something that is more expansive than anything on the outside.
With tools to connect to soul, living through the experiences, learning the lessons, and healing ourselves becomes so much lighter. The struggle is not required. This could be the ease we are longing for.
It just takes practice.
Seeing another person’s pain, having compassion because it’s a disconnection from source, can help with forgiveness and our own healing. Our job is not to fix other people, however can it be that navigating life through the profile archetypes can help heal others? If I am experiencing my own circumstances, jumping in to feel, learn, and grow, and then mirroring that experience back to others, doesn’t that support the collective healing? Doesn’t that help shine a light on a story that others may relate to? Doesn’t that inspire others to do their own soul work as well?
Liberation can be experienced when we can go through an uncomfortable circumstance and have the awareness to not let someone else’s pain cause us pain. When we stand in love, we have the ability to protect ourselves from the impact of others. That is when we are standing in the soul experience, and not getting caught up in the ego.